Home sanitation.
The klēn way.
Hyperklēn (n): a home sanitation company specializing in non-toxic disinfection, mold remediation, and deodorization using hypochlorous acid (HOCl).
Learn about HOCl.
HOCl is a non-toxic, USDA certified organic and non-degenerative disinfectant for use in all environments (ask us about kids and pets!). Unlike other disinfectants, it does not leave behind harmful residues or fumes, making it optimal for people with allergies, respiratory issues, or autoimmune conditions.
HOCl is a natural deodorizer and leaves each atmosphere smelling fresh and clean.
HOCl is effective against a broad spectrum of microorganisms, treating and preventing the spread of nearly all bacteria, viruses (COVID-19, RSV, influenza, etc.), and fungi, making it an ideal solution to fight off unwanted microorganisms within seconds.
HOCl is 120x stronger than bleach and has the propensity to stop mold from spreading and inhibits existing sightings instantly upon contact. More advanced mold cases will need additional exposure, so be sure to ask us about our mold remediation packages.